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Need Help Calculating Monthly Loan Payments in Excel


Hello Forum Members,

I'm currently working on financial planning and need assistance with calculating monthly loan payments in Excel. I want to ensure accuracy in my calculations, and any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Here are the details of my scenario:

  1. Loan Amount: [$100,000]
  2. Interest Rate: [5%]
  3. Loan Term: [12 years]
  4. Payment Frequency: [Monthly.]
  5. Start Date: [01/01/2024]

I've tried using the PMT function in Excel, but I want to make sure I'm incorporating all relevant factors such as compounding periods, and any other nuances. Could someone provide step-by-step instructions or a formula that I can use in Excel to accurately calculate monthly loan payments?

Additionally, if there are any other considerations or best practices I should be aware of when dealing with loan calculations in Excel, please feel free to share your expertise.

Thank you in advance for your help!