How to separate email addresses to usernames and domains in Excel

In today’s digital age, managing data efficiently is crucial, especially when it comes to handling email addresses in Excel. Whether you’re organizing contact lists or analyzing customer data, being able to separate email addresses into usernames and domains can streamline your workflow. Fortunately, Excel offers several methods to accomplish this task, each with its own benefits. Let’s dive into the step-by-step guide to achieve this.

Method 1: Using Text to Columns

Text to Columns is a powerful feature in Excel that allows you to split data based on a delimiter. Here’s how to use it to separate email addresses:

1. Select Data Range: Start by selecting the column containing the email addresses that you want to split.

2. Access Text to Columns: Navigate to the “Data” tab on the Excel ribbon and click on “Text to Columns.”

3. Choose Delimited: In the Text to Columns Wizard, select “Delimited” and click “Next.”

Select Delimiter: Choose the delimiter that separates the username and domain in your email addresses. In most cases, “@” serves as the delimiter for email addresses. Click “Next” to proceed.

Text to Column

4. Review Data Format: Excel will show you a preview of how your data will be split. Ensure that it looks correct, then click “Finish.”

Result: Excel will separate the email addresses into two columns: one for usernames and one for domains.

Method 2: Using Formulas

If you prefer a formula-based approach, Excel’s text functions can help you achieve the desired result. Here’s how to do it:

1. Create New Columns: Insert two new columns next to the column containing the email addresses. Label them “Username” and “Domain.”

2. Extract Username: In the first cell of the “Username” column, enter the following formula:


=LEFT(C2, FIND(“@”, C2) – 1)

3. Replace “C2” with the cell reference of the first email address. Drag the fill handle down to apply the formula to the entire column.

4. Extract Domain: In the first cell of the “Domain” column, enter the following formula:

=MID(C2, FIND(“@”, C2) + 1, LEN(C2) – FIND(“@”, C2))

5. Again, replace “C2” with the cell reference of the first email address and drag the fill handle down to apply the formula to the entire column.

6. Result: The “Username” and “Domain” columns will now contain the separated components of the email addresses.

Method 3: Using Power Query

Power Query is a powerful tool in Excel for data transformation and manipulation. Here’s how to use it to separate email addresses:

1. Load Data into Power Query: Select the column containing the email addresses, then go to the “Data” tab and click on “From Table/Range” to load the data into Power Query.

2. Split Column by Delimiter: In the Power Query Editor, select the column containing the email addresses. Then, go to the “Transform” tab, click on “Split Column,” and choose “By Delimiter.”

Power Query

3. Choose Delimiter: Select “@” as the delimiter and click “OK.”

4. Result: Power Query will split the email addresses into two columns: one for usernames and one for domains.

Method 3: Use the TEXTAFTER Function to extract the domain from the email

1. Separate the username and domain using the “@” symbol:

In an empty column (let’s say column C), enter the formula: =TEXTAFTER(A1, “@”) in cell C1 (assuming your emails are in column A).

This formula extracts everything after the “@” symbol in cell A1.

Copy the formula down to the other cells containing email addresses (assuming your emails are in A1:A10, copy C1 formula down to C1:C10).

2. Extract the username:

In another empty column (let’s say column D), enter the formula: =LEFT(C1, SEARCH(“.”,C1)-1) in cell D1.

This formula extracts everything from the beginning of the text in cell C1 (username) up to the character before the “.” (dot).

Copy the formula down to the other cells containing usernames (assuming your usernames are in C1:C10, copy D1 formula down to D1:D10).

3. Extract the domain:

In another empty column (let’s say column E), enter the formula: =RIGHT(C1, LEN(C1)-SEARCH(“.”,C1)) in cell E1.

This formula extracts everything from the position of the “.” (dot) in cell C1 (domain) to the end of the text.

Copy the formula down to the other cells containing domains (assuming your domains are in C1:C10, copy E1 formula down to E1:E10).


TEXTAFTER(A1, “@”) – This part separates the username and domain by finding the “@” symbol and returning everything after it.

LEFT(C1, SEARCH(“.”,C1)-1) – This part extracts the username from cell C1 by finding the position of the “.” (dot) and then using the LEFT function to return everything up to the character before that position.

RIGHT(C1, LEN(C1)-SEARCH(“.”,C1)) – This part extracts the domain from cell C1 by finding the position of the “.” (dot) and then using the RIGHT function to return everything from that position to the end of the text.

Note: These formulas assume that the email addresses follow the standard format of username@domain. They may need adjustments if your email addresses have a different format.

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