How to post questions and attach files on Excel Forum

Excel Forum is a platform where people post questions and get help from other community members. It consists of enthusiasts, learners and experts willing to help one one another. This is a guide on how to use the Forum.

Quick general question

If you have a quick general question that you want to ask click on Ask a Question button.

Category/Topic based questions

Posting on categories makes it easy for experts to jump in an answer your questions. Examples of available categories include, General, Errors, Charts, Shortcuts, VBA and Google Sheets. More categories will be added as the community grows.

Once you click on a category you can now add a new question by clicking on New Topic

How to attach an Excel file or Image

Attaching files also helps other community users to understand your questions in order to provide an accurate answer.

To ensure you receive Email updates when someone answers or replies to your post, then tick the subscribe to this topic option

Finally click submit and wait for answers from the community

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